Rainbow Fingerless Mitts Fair Trade Himalayan 100% Wool


Cozy and warm rainbow fingerless mitts are Fair Trade made from 100% wool with fleece lining.


Blue Stripes Rainbow
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Himalayan WARM WOOLEN Rainbow Fingerless Mitts are super cozy! Women artisans use the very soft and warm wool of Highland sheep to hand knit these beautiful mittens.

Fair Trade and child labor-free products contribute to developing the skills and lifestyles of the artisans. We source raw materials from the mountainous regions of Nepal, where Fair Trade helps to preserve the rich cultural heritage.

Workers and artisans come from a variety of social and economic backgrounds, and they are provided with benefits such as health care and education for their children. We believe in fair trade which contributes to social benefits and are not solely concerned with profit.

Additional information

Weight0.07 kg
Dimensions22 × 17 × 3 cm


rainbow fingerless mitts
Rainbow Fingerless Mitts Fair Trade Himalayan 100% Wool